Application of WEP

I have an interesting Social Security situation. The wife (who is currently 64) has a $1,000 monthly income from her government pension, she is subject to the WEP. Can the wife start taking her own PIA now (net of WEP), and later switch to taking 50% of her husband’s when she reaches 66? Since she is subject to the WEP adjustment, can she still take the greater of 100% of her own PIA or 50% of her husband’s?

One thought on “Application of WEP

  1. The WEP (Windfall Elimination Provision) will impact her own benefits. She can switch to spousal benefits at her full retirement age (FRA). But her spousal benefits will be affected by Government Pension Offset (GPO). The software automatically computes that. You may also take a quick read of an example or two at official Social Security websites:

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