Social Security Maximizer / How to run a report for a predetermined start age

How do I run a Social Security report that doesn’t necessarily maximize benefits, but instead generates benefits for specified ages of husband and wife? Looking at the analysis for different situations is great, but I need to create the output for a scenario that as an advisor I recommend.

One thought on “Social Security Maximizer / How to run a report for a predetermined start age

  1. Looks like you are talking about a separate combined view of benefits for client and spouse with predetermined start ages as opposed to the combined view you currently get for maximum PV combination.
    If that’s the case, that report will be coming soon. The idea is that based on the analysis you currently see, an advisor will enter a particular scenario for start ages and the resulting output will not only generate a report but it will also feed into Wealth Planner’s retirement income functionality. Both goals and cash flow based retirement income input screens will have checkbox to override the Social Security calculations there.

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